Bus Rome Salerno


N.B.:No confirmation e-mails will be sent, so write down the code that will be assigned to you

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Phone: 0039 089 825765 - 0039 081 969089
e-mail: leonettibus@gmail.com

Bus Salerno Rome Tiburtina and Fiumicino

The Express Bus Company Ltd was founded with a sole shareholder of the liberalization of long-distance transport and car hire without driver.
The objective of the Company is therefore to exploit these opportunities by creating and developing three distinct areas:
1 - Car rental management ;
2 - field rental and bus with bus and minibus ;
3 - the tourist industry , a collection of links to reputable tour operators and national and international , offering the opportunity through the pages of " Agency Services " section of this website to make reservations as the means of transportation to the hotel or to the ticket plane. The user can organize the whole trip or packages without necessarily having to go to a travel agency.

How to contact us
Phone: 0039 089 825765

Mailing address:
Via Irpinia , 1 84084 Fisciano (Salerno)
e-mail: vali.leonetti@expressbus.it
General Information: leonettibus@gmail.com
Certified mail: info@pec.expressbus.it

Express Bus srl
Via dell'Irpinia Fisciano Italia 84084
Tel.: 089 825765
Bus Rome Salerno

Express Bus S.r.l.

Registro Imprese di Salerno iscrizione n° 05234220654 REA SA-430415 - REN n° 56614
P.IVA: 05234220654 - pec: info@pec.expressbus.it - e-mail: vali.leonetti@expressbus.it
WebSite: - Tel.: 089825765 - WhatsApp: 3474852790